Sunday, July 31, 2005

Frida's Final Adios (For Now)

Here are the final three cards I sent in for this swap. This will not be the last time that I attempt Mexican or Frida themed art. I loved the freeing nature of the colors in this type of art. And again, I was able to learn a little bit more about an artist I have heard about but never really studied. There is a connection there with Frida for me, as I too was in a horrible accident that changed my life. She painted to work through the boredom and constant pain. I create art as a way to deal with chronic pain as well. It is amazing what allowing the creative portions of your brain to work can do for your entire being. There will always be pain in my body, but creating a small work of art that I can share with others somehow makes it all a little more bearable. :)


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